Saturday, November 3, 2007

from Brad Bridgewater

Josh and Erik,

Thanks for creating a place that we can celebrate Joey's life, and lean on each other for comfort. I can't say anything here that can't be said by a hundred other people, The picture of Joe at Sharkeez is the Joe I will always remember, a huge smile on his face. He lived a big life. He laughed the hardest, smiled the biggest, his bear hugs are the stuff of legend. Joe did nothing half way, he did it all with his whole heart. He was fierce. He was a warrior long before anyone put a uniform on him and asked him to serve his country and defend every one of us. I've spent my life emulating the qualities in others I admire most, and Joe had many. As is true for many of us, the last time I saw Joe was on a visit of his to Dallas and of course he called me to go spend a little time together, and he wanted to introduce me to the woman he loved. When he told me what he was doing, I had the same pride and fear as I did when Mikey gave me the very same talk a few years before. I know the guys I swam next to, and especially Joe, If there was a hard job to be done, a fellow soldier in trouble, or a dangerous situation that needed a hero, I know my friends would be the first ones in and the last ones out. The world needs men like Joe to do the things the rest of us can't or won't do. I will never look at an American flag or a soldier again for the rest of my life without thinking of my friend and brother Joe Curreri, who takes a place of honor on the distinguished list of men and women who have given their lives in the name of freedom. He lives on in all of us, Love you Joe.


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