Thursday, November 1, 2007

This site is for Joey

Eric and I have been looking for a way to get everyone together. We're working on a website, but in the meantime this will help everyone communicate. As soon as we know when the services will take place, we'll send the information to everyone.

We've lost a dear friend. An exceptional human being. A man who appreciated everything in life; his family, his friends and his country. There is so much more to say about Joe Curreri. I hadn't seen him in a little over a year, and I miss him so much.

Post whatever you want here. You can tell a funny story, just post a picture or talk about how you feel.

Loveya Joe.

Your friend,

Josh Ilika


JeffLee said...

There aren't enough blogs in the world to capture all the good things to say about our friend Joe. He was a friend, a leader, and a role model for us all.
It is a real shame that our friend has been taken from us, but thank you Josh and Erik for creating this medium to remember him, and share our thoughts.
I exchanged emails with Joe just about a week ago, and he was apologizing for keeping it short because he had limited time online... I can only imagine how many emails he was able to cram into a short alotment of time, just to say hi to all his friends.
You're a good man Joseph! We will miss you dearly.

Jeff Lee

m_gausman said...


I wanted to thank you and Erik for the time you put into making this website. I can honestly say that it has helped me immensely. Reading the blogs from Joe's friends in the Army confirms everything I ever thought about the kind of person Joe was. Not only is it a way to remember Joe, it is a way for all of us to remember him together. Thanks dude!!

Kelly Lynn James said...

I did not know Joe, but I can tell that he was a good man and a good friend. We lost a good friend and teammate (Penn Swimming '99) last year to cancer and my heart goes out to Joe's teammates, friends and family.

With love,
Kelly Lynn James